Region Email Addresses in Sports Connect

From AYSO Wiki
(Redirected from Default Admin User)

There are 2 significant email addresses used by Sports Connect.

  • Contact Details
  • Lead Admin User (formerly Default Admin User)

Region Contact Details

The Contact Details (address, phone and email address), in the settings on the home page, is for display purposes.

Settings Icon on the Home Page
Contact info on the Settings Page

The Contact Details show in the footer of the site (see below), as well as at the bottom of bulk emails that are sent out (where it says "For general inquiries, please contact your organization directly.").

Contact Info displayed at the bottom of every webpage.

Region Lead Admin User

The Lead Admin User (formerly Default Admin User) email address receives all automated system emails; registrations, volunteer signups, payment updates, etc.


  • There can only be one Lead Admin User.
  • Consider setting up an account just for this that is not an account used to register players/volunteers.

The image below is an example of where the email address that is on the account of the Lead Admin User is displayed. This is an order confirmation email sent to a parent after they registered their player. If that email address is not one you expect or want to be shown you can change the email address for the Lead Admin User or ask Sports Connect to change the account that is your Lead Admin User.

The email address displayed here is the Lead Admin User's account email address.
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