Finding your Event in AYSOU

From AYSO Wiki

If you have created an event in a different region than the one in which you have registered as a volunteer, your event isn't always visible for managing when you log into AYSO. This is especially true for Area and Section staff. To find your event after logging into AYSOU and switching to your Instructor Profile:

1. Click on Manage Assessment and Event Admin.

manage assessment and event admin

2. Click on Events Management.

events management button highlighted

3. Click on the Filter and Deselect My Regions.

filter button and options

4. Events are now visible.

Event list with Region filter turned off

5. Select the Event you want to manage.

select event from course list

You can now View Learners in an AYSO Event, add Learners to an Event, and Assess Learners in an Event.

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