Order Management

From AYSO Wiki

Video about Order Management: https://youtu.be/iCGQsGik6H0

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View Order Details

Visit Orders, Mange Orders

The list of all orders can be sorted, searched in, or check the box to only view open orders.

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Click the Mange button next to an order to view it's details

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You'll see the details for the order.

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You can click the Edit button to view even more details. You can add a fee or discount for this specific order here.

Send Balance Statements

You can send a Balance Statement to users that have an open balance.

Visit Orders, Balance Statements

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Click the box next to any orders that you want to send the statement to, then click Continue.

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You can add a note if you'd like. Check the box next to Account(s) then click the Save button. This will send an email to the account holder.

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