Outside Paid Services
Outside Paid Services
Many AYSO Regions and Areas hire outside, contracted services for landscaping and other field services, coach and player training support, soccer camps, accounting, and food services, among others. AYSO has modified our process to assist Regions quickly gain compliance with AYSO National Policy Statement 2.5.
Not all vendors require a Paid Service. The only exempted Vendors are:
- Photographers with Photo Day Agreements
- DJs
- Porta-Potty Vendors
- Rental of Mini-Storage Space
- Utility Services (Garbage collection, etc.)
If you have questions about whether or not a vendor should have a Paid Service Agreement in place, or need clarification on the process, please email Finance@ayso.org with Paid Services in the subject and one of our team will be happy to assist.
Paid Services Agreement & Questionnaire
1.) To begin the process, the Section, Area or Region should complete this online request for a Paid Service Agreement.
This short form will ask for your information as the requestor as well as information about the vendor you wish to use and the agreement you've come to regarding pricing and other terms. If you'd like to see the type of information you'll need, you can download a sample of the request form here, but please use the Google Form for Submission.
If you are a vendor, please ask your contact with the AYSO Section, Area or Region to complete this request on your behalf.
2.) The Finance Team will use the information you've supplied on the form to generate a Paid Services Agreement.
3.) Your vendor will also be asked to provide additional information based on their location and type of services being provided. These will all be outlined in the Docusign platform as part of the signing process.
- All Vendors will be required to submit:
- W-9
- Business License
- Certificate of Liability Insurance, naming AYSO as an Insured
- Some vendors may be required to submit:
- Independent Contractor (AB5 form for California)
- Player Support Questionnaire
- Coaching Compliance Documentation
- Additional compliance confirmation as requested
The National Office will include all required forms and send directly to the vendor for compliance.
4.) Once the vendor has completed the process via Docusign it will be reviewed by our office. If correctly submitted and compliant, it will then be executed by our team. The vendor will receive an executed copy of the agreement and should show it to you before engaging in services. You will be asked to initial the agreement as proof that the terms are understood by all.
- No Service Providers should be used prior to receipt of an approved and signed agreement.
- Authorization to provide services will be subject to both AYSO National and Region Approval
Sample Form Downloads
Download Paid Services Agreement
Download Paid Services Agreement - United
Download Paid Services Questionnaire
Download Sample Certificate of Liability Insurance
Download Independent Contractor Compliance Form
Download Coaches and Trainers Compliance Form