Spreadsheet Schedule Converter to Sports Connect

From AYSO Wiki
Showing the 4-step process of converting all the general team, location, and field names into a format that Sports Connect can import. (CSV file)

Sports Connect allows for a Regional or Area scheduler to import a CSV file that can become a linked Sports Connect schedule. The "Importing" option in the "Manage Schedules" wizard has a process for importing the text file. CSV files (text-based ascii files) are notorious slow to modify and create, so using a spreadsheet is a way to expedite the editing process.

Wiki editor Nick Pisca created an online Google Sheet that further expedites this process by mapping all the external team, field, and location names in a simple spreadsheet chart. These names can be saved for future use. Google has a quick CSV download feature that speeds up the translation to Sports Connect as well.

A tutorial of how to populate the Team Name, Field, and Location tables will be provided at a later date.

To access the Google Sheet template, please click here to download:

Regional (General) Converter to Sports Connect - Download

Umbrella Converter to Sports Connect - Download TBD

NOTE: Currently these URLs are not linked until the EXPO presentation. Please wait.

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