Logging In

From AYSO Wiki

Each Authorized Member will need their own login credentials to access QuickBooks online for their respective Section/Area/Region - using the same email as listed in the Association Platform

  • Login credentials should never be shared with others - this includes transitions in roles.
  • If your role changes for the S/A/R, the incoming member should reach out to Finance@AYSO.org to secure their own access. This is important for continuity and audit logs
  • If anyone ask you for your login credentials, please refer them to Finance@AYSO.org so that we can provide their access in accordance with current policies and procedures.

Email Granting Access

When you are added to QuickBooks, you will get an email that looks like the below from do_not_reply@Intuit.com


If you doubt the authenticity of any email received, PLEASE email Finance@ayso.org and we will confirm the legitimacy.

Once you click on "Accept Invitation" you will be prompted to either log in to your Intuit account using the same password as you may have used before, or to create a new account.

**Please note - If you have used your email for any Intuit product - Turbo Tax, Mint, Etc. - you already have an Intuit account and should use the same password as you've used in the past. If you don't know that password, you will have a link to reset your password**

Once you Have QuickBooks Access:

  1. Sign in to QuickBooks Online
  2. Enter your email address or User ID and password.
  3. If you are not on a public device, you can elect to check the box to "Remember Me"
  4. Select Sign In

You may receive an email or text message from Intuit containing a 6 Digit Code.

Once you've logged in, you will see the AYSO Accounting page.


You are not yet in QuickBooks. You will need to select your region from the drop down labeled "Go To QuickBooks"


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