Upload Documents to QuickBooks

From AYSO Wiki

Attaching Receipts to Transactions

  • When you are Categorizing your Transactions, you have the ability to Attach receipts directly to the transaction
  • You can also attach transactions when editing transactions from the Account Register

Saving your Statements

All regions should be storing their bank statements in QuickBooks for transparency and ease of retrieval.

To save statements:

  1. Look for "My Accountant" in the Black Navigation Menu on the Left.
  2. Click on the Shared Documents Tab

Additionally, Statements can be added directly to the corresponding reconciliations.

From the Reconcile Screen:

  • Look for History by Account on the right side of your screen
  • Next, you'll see the option to Attach next to each monthly reconciliation having been completed.

What other Documents should be uploaded to QuickBooks?

Other Documents that should be uploaded to QuickBooks might include:

  • Contracts
  • Paid Services Agreements
  • Certificates of Insurance for Vendors
  • W9 forms

These can and should be added to the Shared Documents section under My Accountant for future treasurers and tracking renewals. uploading to Shared Documents.png

AYSO is always here to help with your region's finances. Email us at finance@ayso.org. See the Support page for other ways of getting help. Can't find a topic? Send us your needs or suggestions at support@ayso.org.
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